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Research Centres & Institutes

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Schroeder Allergy and Immunology Research Institute Learn More

The Schroeder Allergy and Immunology Research Institute at McMaster University is a centre for research into the causes of and treatments for life-threatening allergies. Established in 2020, SAIRI brings together clinicians, scientists and data specialists to consolidate existing collaborations in one place, with the ultimate goal of creating a world free of allergic diseases.

SAIRI’s mission is to provide evidence-based approaches to address the causes and impact of allergy, through collaborative research and state-of-the-art technologies that allow for the discovery of new therapeutic targets.The institute is supported by a $10 million gift from the Schroeder Foundation and it operates under the guidance of the director of the Schroeder Allergy and Immunology Research Institute.

Director: Dr. Susan Waserman

McMaster Immunology Research Centre Learn More

Chanchlani Research Centre Learn More

The Chanchlani Research Centre is comprised of a vibrant group of researchers who investigate the intersection of genomics and culture on human health. Thanks to a generous donation by the Chanchlani family and with support from McMaster University, we have the infrastructure both human and physical to undertake large scale genomics projects as related to chronic diseases. The Centre provides an ideal training group for students in statistics, epidemiology, and medicine and by investigating how genomics intersects with health, some of our researchers consider the socio-cultural and clinical application of such information. Further, once a year we award the Chanchlani Global Health Research Award to an outstanding scientist whose research impacts global health.

Director: Dr. Sonia Anand

Centre for Metabolism Obesity and Diabetes Research (MODR) Learn More

The Centre for Metabolism, Obesity and Diabetes Research is focused on translating world leading basic science into clinical practice to improve the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases in children and adults across the lifespan.

The Centre includes research teams dedicated to furthering research efforts to develop new preventative and treatment strategies for chronic metabolic diseases.

Co-Directors: Dr. Katherine Morrison and Dr. Gregory Steinberg

Population Health Research Institute Learn More

The Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) is a leading global health research center in Canada, known for its expertise in large-scale clinical trials and population studies. Initially focused on cardiovascular disease and diabetes, PHRI has expanded to include fields like population genomics, stroke, obesity, and perioperative medicine. With world-class scientists and a multidisciplinary approach, PHRI excels in studying biological, genetic, and social determinants of health. It conducts international studies with tens of thousands of participants, having enrolled nearly 1 million people globally. Few organizations match its capacity and collaborative research environment.

Director: Dr. Salim Yusuf

Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute Learn More

The Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute, founded in 2008, evolved from McMaster University’s Intestinal Disease Research Program, which had been active since 1984. Its vision is to better understand, treat, and ultimately cure the most common types of intestinal illnesses that affect society, including inflammatory, functional, and diet-induced disorders. The Institute uses an integrated, multidisciplinary approach, blending bench-to-bedside research and fostering close collaboration between clinicians, clinician-scientists, and basic scientists. It is also committed to providing trainees with the best possible experience to support successful careers in academia and the private sector. A key component of the Institute’s mission is knowledge translation, which involves informing the public about advances in digestive disease research and raising awareness of the significant burden these diseases impose on society.

Director: Dr. Steve Collins

Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health Learn More

The Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health (FIRH), located at St. Joseph’s Healthcare in Hamilton, Ontario, and affiliated with McMaster University, integrates clinical, research, and educational efforts to enhance patient care. The Institute focuses on a range of respiratory conditions, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and fibrosis. Its research extends from basic studies in animal models to large-scale clinical trials, such as the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) study, for which FIRH hosts the coordinating center. Specialized facilities at FIRH include the Sputum and Aerosol Research Laboratories, supporting diverse studies on airway challenges, bone marrow progenitor cells, electrophysiology of airway muscle cells, and chronic lung injury. The research productivity of FIRH is attested to by the high quality and impact of the peer-reviewed publications.

Director: Dr. Dawn Bowdish

TaARI - Thrombosis and Atherosclerosis Research Institute Learn More

TAARI’s objectives include conducting basic, clinical, and epidemiological research in thrombosis, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseases such as venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, heart failure, and cerebrovascular disease. It develops joint research programs with Hamilton Health Sciences, Cancer Care Ontario, and other universities globally. TAARI promotes clinical research among Hamilton Health Sciences staff and secures funding from grants, industry, and private sector partnerships. It also patents and commercializes inventions through the Hamilton Civic Hospitals Research Development Corporation. Research extends from the lab to clinical trials, driven by real-world clinical issues that can quickly translate into better patient care or prevention. Additionally, TAARI serves as a resource center for designing, executing, and analyzing clinical trials and epidemiological studies in cardiovascular disease, aligning with Hamilton Health Sciences’ strategic goals. Dino and GeoffTo act as a resource and methods centre for the design, execution and analysis of local, national and international clinical trials and epidemiologic studies in cardiovascular disease, and for other clinical programmes which are part of the strategic plan of the Hamilton Health Sciences.

Director: Dr. Jeffery Weitz

Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Pain Research and Care Learn More

Pain significantly affects quality of life, healthcare costs, and economic productivity, yet its causes and treatments remain poorly understood. As a result of the DeGroote family gift, McMaster University established the Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Pain Research and Care (IPRC) to advance understanding and treatment of various pain types. This world-class institute uses diverse technologies and disciplines to explore pain causes, develop strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and management, and provide innovative patient care. A key focus is thalamic pain, which affects the brain’s thalamus and causes severe discomfort, as experienced by Michael DeGroote after a stroke. Director: Dr. Norm Buckley

McMaster Transfusion Research Program Learn More

The McMaster Centre for Transfusion Research (MCTR) is dedicated to advancing transfusion science through innovative methodology & collaborative research to improve patient health outcomes.

Our vision is to be a trusted leader in Transfusion Science discovery world-wide.

Our goal is to provide scientific evidence that will inform transfusion practice, guide optimal utilization of blood, and enhance the safety of transfusion for blood recipients and blood donors.

Co-Directors: Dr. Donnie Arnold and Dr. Ishac Nazy

Geriatric Education and Research in Aging Sciences Centre Learn More

The Geriatric Education and Research in Aging Sciences (GERAS) Centre is uniquely positioned to be a leader in successful aging in Hamilton, Ontario. In partnership with St. Peter’s Hospital and McMaster University, this centre is strong in its collaborative team-based care delivery with access to leading geriatric medicine specialists and psychiatrists, interprofessional teams, and a concentrated ambulatory practice. The GERAS Centre is committed to educating and empowering seniors to regain and retain independence and to manage their health through active participation in their care. These new models of care engage family members and build capacity for support within the community. The experts at St. Peter’s are also dedicated to advancing health care education for the present and next generation of health care professionals. Through innovative research the GERAS Centre will close the gap between knowing and doing to contribute to improved quality of life for seniors.