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Division of the Department of Medicine at McMaster

Educational Activities

The Postgraduate training program remains very successful under the guidance of the Program Director Dr. Kim Legault and the Program Coordinator Rennée Tremblay. Rheumatology continues to attract residents of the highest caliber to its training program. This year (2023), with Dr. Kim Legault, and Rennée Tremblay at the helm, the Rheumatology Residency Program successfully underwent an External Review by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons with very little to no changes to the program needed and was highly complemented to its dedication to educating future Rheumatologist.

Dr. Faiza Khokhar leads multiple educational initiatives including MSK Boot Camp organizer/supervisor and clinical skills preceptor for medical students and Dr. Carmona continues to guide undergraduate education as Director, Medical Foundation 4, MD Program and MSK Clinical Skill Coordinator, MD Program.

Dr. Arthur Lau is our coordinator for the PGY 1-3 residents rotating through Rheumatology as electives and continues to be strong in helping residents learn about Rheumatology as it fits into Internal Medicine.

Over the past 5 years we have established several Fellowships, including the Vasculitis Fellowship which I oversee as Program Director, the Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Fellowship and Scleroderma Fellowship, overseen by Dr. Maggie Larché, and most recently the Lupus Fellowship under the Leadership of Dr. Konstantinos Tselios.

Dr. Legault has been remarkable in her role in education as the Co-Chair of the Medicine Subspecialty Residency Program Directors’ Committee which has made major strides in collaboration with the other subspecialty training programs in Internal Medicine with sharing of resources, educational materials and academic half days.

Dr. Nader Khalidi
Division Director


Research activities have continued to be productive in many fields to include Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, MSK Ultrasound, SLE, Scleroderma, and Vasculitis.

Involvement with International consortiums link McMaster to cutting edge research, including the Canadian Network for improved Outcomes in SLE, the Canadian Scleroderma Group, and the Canadian Network for Research on Vasculitides and the North American Vasculitis Clinical Research Consortium (VCRC).

The McMaster/Western University Resident Research Day took place this on October 14, 2022 and was highly successful. This event highlights and promotes research for learners in Rheumatology. This event attracted 40-50 attendees with multiple posters and oral presentations.

Future Directions

The McMaster Rheumatology Division’s vision is to continue to be recognized for leadership and innovation in education, research and inter-disciplinary patient-centered care.  Education remains key to garnering interest in Rheumatology. We will continue to build upon our past to create and expand these opportunities that will help the great need for increase in human resources in Rheumatology.

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