News Listing
Recent publication from Allison Kennedy and Dawn Bowdish investigates immune dysregulation following mild cases of COVID-19
Research Findings, Respirology Research
McMaster's Brighter World ➚
MIRC Experts Charu Kaushic and Dawn Bowdish on why boosters are more important than ever
News, Respirology Research
Dr. Salim Yusuf is Honoured With Killam Prize
Main Research, Uncategorized
Dr. Hertzel C. Gerstein, Recipient of 2022 Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Diabetes Research Award
Main Research, Uncategorized
Dr. Alim Pardhan Receives College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 2022 Council Award
Main Research, Uncategorized
Regional Rounds
Community, Emergency Medicine Research, Main Research
Department of Medicine Research Excellence and Discovery Day
Main Research, Uncategorized
Dr. Dawn Bowdish, the Principal Investigator, Bowdish Lab
Main Research, Uncategorized
Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) Medical Grand Rounds: What happened to Monday?
Main Research, Uncategorized
Dr. Ronald Ramos Appointed Assistant Professor, Division of Neurology
Main Research, Uncategorized
Two Faculty professors honoured as Women of Distinction by YWCA
Awards, Education & Innovation